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Welcome to the new SWOP website

Covenants and Agreements


ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER IN WOP-P: PSTO is a non-European partner of the European Master’s program in “Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology” (WOP-P). The European Inter-university Master’s program called Erasmus Mundus Program in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology (EMWOP-P), constitutes a postgraduate program, at the Master level, which has financial support of the European Commission. Part of this consortium are the Universities of Valencia and Barcelona in Spain, René Descartes in France, Coimbra in Portugal, Bologna in Italy and since 2012 the Universities of Guelph in Canada and the University of Brasilia in Brazil. The University of Brasilia participates by linking PSTO to the consortium, by means of an inter-institutional agreement signed in 2011, which has been in effect since 2012. PSTO’s participation is materialized by carrying out actions of teacher and student exchange, sending and welcoming participants both categories to carry out activities of a different nature. For European students, these activities consist of supervised professional internships in Brazil, carried out in Brazilian work organizations, over a period of approximately 3 months. For PSTO students, the planned activities concern participation in the Winter School organized by WOP-P, and held every year in Europe. Finally, in relation to visits by European and Brazilian professors, the program includes visits to some of the universities in the consortium, where research, teaching, discussion and guidance activities are planned, according to the needs of each location.

The website https://www.erasmuswop.org/ shows some of the general characteristics of the Program and highlights the universities participating in the consortium.


With the involvement of Prof. PhD Peter J. Tellegen, the partnership aims to develop research on the construction, standardization and validation of non-verbal intelligence tests. The partnership generated various products such as articles and books on the non-verbal intelligence tests SON-R 2½-7, the SON-R 6-40, and the SON-R 2-8. In 2015 the SON-R 6-40 with a Chinese standardization and validation was published in China. In 2017 the SON-R 2-8, the new version of the SON-R 2½-7, was published in the Netherlands. The norms of the SON-R 2½-7 were obsolete since the standardization research for this test took place 20 years ago. Thus, a new instrument for young children, the SON-R 2-8, was developed. In order to develop norms for this new instrument, a standardization research was carried out in the Netherlands with a representative sample of 1,115 children. The German version of the SON-R 2-8 with a German standardization and validation was published in 2018. In 2019, the English version of the manual of the SON-R 2-8 was published. In the same year, Danish and Swedish versions of the Administration guidelines of the SON-R 6-40 were published. Finally, the Brazilian norms of the SON-R 6-40 were developed in cooperation with Prof. Dr. M.E. Timmerman and Dr. L. Voncken of the University of Groningen using the continuous norms procedure. The publication of the SON-R 6-40 in Brazil is planned for 2021. This partnership results in funding for research carried out at PSTO, including through financial support for regular students of the program. Participation in this activity: Prof. Jacob Arie Laros 


Agreement signed between the UnB, represented by PSTO, with the aforementioned Canadian university. This agreement aims to stimulate cooperation actions through mobility between professors and students from both universities. Under this agreement, professors and students carried out activities involving the two universities with funding from the Brazilian and Canadian governments.


A cooperative project between researchers in Brazil and Great Britain (Oxford Brookes), approved under the ESRC / CPNFAP-FAPDF / CNPq call – Healthy Cities Social and Science of the Food-Water-Energy Nexus call. The project was accepted by FAPDF and the ESRC (Economic & Social Research Council) of Great Britain early December 2015. Professors Hartmut Günther and Isolda Günther are part of the Brazilian project team. The HUM-MUS project (Healthy Urban Mobility) is an international cooperation project being carried out at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and the University of Brasília (UnB), with Prof. Dr. Hartmut Günther, as the principal investigator in Brazil, funded in Brazil by FAP-DF, [44/2015], and Prof. Dr. Tim Jones, as the principal investigator of the Oxford Brookes University. In addition to being multi-site, the project is interdisciplinary. This project ended in 2019.


Since 2008, PSTO has been cooperating in research projects with professors Ronald Fischer and Taciano Milfont from the Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand) and with professor Maria Cristina Ferreira of the master’s and doctorate course in Psychology at UNIVERSO (Niterói, RJ). The group Connection Brazil develops research projects on relevant variables of Brazilian culture and relates these variables to socio-cognitive processes of interest to social psychology. The project has already resulted in the publication of articles in prestigious international magazines of Social Psychology, such as the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology in the years 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2019. . Participation in this activity: Prof. Ronaldo Pilati and Prof. Juliana B. Porto.


This is a series of research studies two Israelian universities: the Hebrew University and the University of Haifa. The group participates in the development of studies on the Theory of Human Values, developed by Shalom Schwartz that generated theses, dissertations and four articles published internationally in A1 magazines from 2014 to 2017. The group also develops research on Transcultural Psychology. In 2019, two articles on cross-cultural perspective were published involving researchers from this group. Participation in this activity: Professor Claudio Vaz Torres.


The following two projects involve

Brazilian and Italian researchers:  (1) The Maeci Joint Science and Technology Cooperation / Interdisciplinary project Joint Call Brazil / Italy. This project is a multilingual system based on social networks to monitor consumer’s attitudes on ultraprocessed food. This project has a Brazilian and Italian team. The Italian team: Dario Gregori (coordinator) Danila Azzolina, Nicolas Destro, Corrado Lenara, Giulia Lorenzoni; The Brazilian team: Alexander Hochdorn (PSTO / UnB) – coordinator, Giulia Mendonça (PSTO / UnB), Diana Loureiro (PSTO / UnB), Laura Andrade ( PSTO / UnB), Noémia Santos de Morais (PsiCC / UnB), Ariana Lana de Carvalho (PsiCC / UnB), Marina Maia do Carmo (PsiCC / UnB), Andréa Barbará S. Bousfield (PPGP / UFSC), Andréia Isabel Giacomozzi ( PPGP / UFSC). (2) Public health international cooperation network (PILLAR). Collaborators: Dario Gregori (coordinator) Danila Azzolina, Nicolas Destro, Corrado Lenara, Giulia Lorenzoni, Alexander Hochdorn, Alessandra Oliveira (PPG-GR / UCB), Vicente Alves (PPG-GR / UCB), Alexia Oliveira (UCB). Participation in the two projects: Prof. Alexander Hochdorn.


The project is supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and brings together, in Brazil, the Federal Universities of Pelotas, Minas Gerais and Brasília and, in the United Kingdom, the Heriott-Watt University, the Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Glasgow and the University of Dandee. In the United Kingdom the main investigator is Doctor of Geography Ryan Woolrich and, in Brazil, Doctor of Architecture Adriana Portella. The research aims to identify the barriers and facilitators that the elderly face in different urban, social and cultural contexts. The Brasilia team started work in June 2016 and collected data through questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, hiking interviews, diaries, and participatory mapping workshops with the elderly population. In 2019, the project obtained ESRC funding to replicate the study in three cities in India (New Delhi, Chennai and Tirupati). In Brasília, the project is linked to the Laboratory of Environmental Psychology (LPA) under the responsibility of Professor Isolda de Araújo Günther, Professor Hartmut Günther and their students.


In addition to these international projects and agreements, we have partnerships with teachers and students in international internships at the following institutions:

University of Valencia, Spain

Guelph University, Canada

Western University, Canada

Conservatoire des Arts et Mèters, France

École de Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), France